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Driving Results Through Culture

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S. Chris Edmonds

The Purposeful Culture Group

Author of the Amazon best seller The Culture Engine

One of Inc.'s Top 100 Leadership Speakers of 2018

One of Richtopia's 200 Top Influential Authors 

Apr 13, 2020

New data coming out of Wuhan is showing that Covid-19 may be far deadlier than originally thought. Moreover, none of us knows what our economy will look like after the virus has run its course (or, more optimistically, after a vaccine is implemented.)

The big, glaring takeaway? As leaders, we can no longer arrange our...

Mar 17, 2020

Does your work culture amp up stress – or does it purge stress?

Stress is an emotion that’s created by limbo. If team members don’t know answers to questions like, “What should I do?” or “What if x, y, or z happens?“, they experience greater stress. Greater stress means they can’t act. They can’t move...

Jan 16, 2020

What is your company’s servant purpose – its present day “reason for being”?

Most companies do not go to the length required to formalize their servant purpose and then communicate frequently to team members how their work contributes to that higher purpose.

Recent research from Gallup notes that only 4 in 10 US...

Dec 15, 2019

To what degree does your organization demonstrate service to others?

As part of my consulting work with senior leadership teams, I help them define their company’s servant purpose - a concise statement of what their company does, for whom, and “to what end.”

The “to what end” piece is critical because it...

Nov 18, 2019

To what degree might rudeness impact team performance - and team member performance - in your workplace?

Rudeness and incivility is rampant in our organizations. A 2013 study featured in the Harvard Business Review found that 98% of employees reported experiencing incivility at work by bosses and peers. Individual...