Nov 18, 2019
To what degree might rudeness impact team performance - and team
member performance - in your workplace?
Rudeness and incivility is rampant in our organizations. A 2013
study featured in the Harvard Business Review found that 98%
of employees reported experiencing incivility at work by bosses and
peers. Individual reactions to incivility include:
What hasn’t been examined is how rudeness and incivility impact team performance.
A 2015 did exactly that. It examined how rudeness impacts medical team performance.
This research used simulation-based experiments with neonatal
intensive care teams. No humans were placed at risk during this
study. The hypothesis was that “interrelating processes essential
for collaboration are adversely affected when medical professionals
are victims of others’ rudeness.”
In this three-minute episode of my
Culture Leadership Charge video series, I share the startling
findings from this study and how to reduce the incidence of
rudeness and incivility in your workplace.
This is episode seventy-eight of my Culture Leadership Charge video & podcast series. In these concise episodes, I presents the best practices for creating and maintaining a purposeful, positive, productive culture - at work, at home, and in your community.
This content was released in video format on my website,, on November 18, 2019.
Check out my YouTube channel to view all of my 3-minute Culture Leadership Charge video episodes.